EOSS Tracker
Tracking High Altitude Balloons
Welcome to the map utilty for the EOSS Tracker application. From this map screen one can monitor positions of balloon flights, track where they've been, and find out where they're going. Have fun!
To allow your location, the blue dot ,
to be tracked on the map your web browser will need permission to use location services on your mobile device
(or within your browser settings if using a desktop/laptop system). Note: battery life can be reduced with location services enabled on a mobile device.
Active flights are listed within the sidebar on the left-hand side by their flight number and are also listed here. Select a flight to show detailed information like altitude, heading, speed, etc..
System Status
Current Status:
System Name: track.eoss.org
System Version: 1.5 Kiosk
The EOSS Tracker application is licensed under version 3 of the GNU General Public License (see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/).
Copyright (C) 2019,2020, Jeff Deaton (N6BA), Jeff Shykula (N2XGL)
This tab shows the list of active trackers for the current mission.
Tracker List
(+) Most Recent Position Packets:
(+) Most Recent Status Packets:
(+) Most Recent Position Packets:
(+) Most Recent Status Packets: